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An agency under the responsibility of the Secretary Parliamentary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport within the Ministry for Education and Employment, SportMalta’s core purpose is to inspire Maltese and transform the nation through sport.
Through innovative, fun and meaningful sporting experiences, our mission is to reach out and serve communities across the country with passion and pride. Our mandate goes beyond winning medals.


Association of Arms Collectors and Target Shooters in Malta, was founded on the 4th April 2002 . AACTS was established to promote all forms of target shooting and arms collecting including militaria. AACTS also organises facilities for training purposes, competitions, seminars, educational programs and courses in all aspects of target shooting.

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The Arms, Armour & Militaria Society (AAMS) that later evolved into the current Association was set up in 1985.
AMACS (Association of Maltese Arm Collectors and Shooters in Malta) was founded on the 10th of June 2004, transforming AAMS into a new Association comprised of five five Clubs each catering for particular cultural or sporting activities: Malta Arms & Militaria Society (MAMS), Malta Muzzle-Loader Shooting Club (MMSC), Malta Airgun Shooting Club (MASC), Malta Rifle and Pistol Shooting Club (MRPSC), Malta Crossbow Shooting Club (MCSC).

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